This traditional dinner fare consists of a hamburger patty with patrons’ group of sliced ​​onions mashed into beef.Our mystery burger dip is the best complement to fried onion burgers, and our French fries sauce is also delicious.We like the Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger recipe with French fries and popcorn on the flask.

  • ingredients :

  • hamburger
    ° 1 pound minced meat
    ° 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced ​​into half moon shape
    ° American cheese slices
    ° Half a tablespoon of vegetable oil
    ° salt and pepper
    ° Bacon Pickled potatoes
    ° hamburger: for the name of the burger sauce game material
    ° 1/4 cup mayonnaise
    ° 1/8 cup ketchup
    ° 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    ° 1/8 teaspoon cranberry pepper
    ° 1/8 teaspoon salt
    ° 1/4 tsp yellow mustard
    ° Half tsp pickled dill juice
    ° 1/8 tsp ground pepper black

  • Methods :

In a small bowl, mix all the ingredients to make the fuzzy burger sauce. Use a small whisk to mix. Sit aside.Heat in a large saucepan over medium heat, add oil and onions, sauté until the onions are covered with oil, and cut the minced meat into 4 equal pieces.Roll each ingredient directly onto a ball, then mash it directly into the pancake by hand.Season each side of the cutlet with salt and pepper.Put the patties on the onions immediately.Squeeze with a spoon, mix the burger and onion, and cook until one side turns brown.Turn around and let me cook dinner and make the other side brown.Remove the cutlet and onion from the pan and place it on the bottom.Add a slice of American cheese to show the name of the wild burger sauce on the bread.If needed, add them when using bacon and kimchi.

Enjoy !!!


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